MARGE 25th October 2007

"MY brother Bob" To my daughter Wilma Thank-you for having new clothes delivered to my door! Wilma, you were so good to me. How could I have asked for more? Grandma Phillips told me to tell you Thanks for always having done her hair! She said you were "THE BEST" and that none could compare. I'd have to agree, cuz you did that for me. You & that Marge both spoiled me rotten! You called me everyday to see if we were ok. I appreciated you girl's going out of your way. It sure was fun having Marge at our house on "CHRISTMAS DAY" last year. When I think about it I begin to tear, cuz I can't be there "This year". That Marge is beginning to look quite neat! She walks the roads day & night, and has blister's on her feet. I'll be there in spirit the day your boy's get married! I know Ryan & Brandon will make good choices when choosing a wife. I'm sure they'll love their "Grandma & Grandpa" for the rest of their life. I hope Marge & the girl's like their necklace's that I got then from Avon! Please make sure Marge gets the "GOLD" one beings she did me that poem. That "HEART OF GOLD" poem is really neat. Grandma & I don't think it could be beat. I miss all of you more then I can say! But, I want you to know that I'm ok. I worry about your dad with me being gone, so I need for you kid's to be strong and to help him carry on. Thank-you for caring, sharing, & for loving me! You'll always be in my heart for all eternity! Move forward with your life, cuz I'm in paradise" with "MY BROTHER BOB". Love u, xoxo mom 12-25-2005 Poem by: Marge Hillgartner Norma Doyle's niece