MARGE 22nd October 2007

I had called Aunt Norma twice the 11th of July. She was in bed sick. She told me was taking an antibiotic and that she had the cold chills pretty bad, but thought she was getting better. She promised that she'd go to the Doctor in a couple of day's if she didn't get any better. I had told her that there was a 50% discount sale at Kirlin's out at North Park mall in Davenport and that I had bought a few myself. She asked me if they had any cute one's left and I told her that they did. She said she'd pay me if I'd pick 2 up for her for Christmas gifts. She wanted to get one for Wilma and the other one for Reggie. So, I was telling her on the phone that I got 2 real cute one's and I told her what they were and she said they both sounded real cute. She thought I picked out some good one's and that they'd like them. I told her that I was going to let her go so she could get to feeling better. My very last words to her were...I love you Aunt Norma! There was a small moment of hesitation and she says to me, "LOVE YOU...BYE"! I can't begin to tell you the love that was in her voice! We always told each other that we loved one another everytime we were ready to get off the phone, but this time she said it like she knew it would be the last time she told me that she loved me and Good-bye! The very next morning I got a call from Carol Lemley at exactly 8:20 in the morning and when I answered the phone she says, Marge..I'm afraid I have some bad news! I go, WHAT'S WRONG? She goes, they found Norma dead this morning and I'm telling you I screamed and cried and shook with everything that I've got. Carol said they all knew how close we were and that she hated to call me but had no choice. I told her that I had just talked to her twice the day before and she said she knew. I told her I had to get off the phone because I felt sick so I hung up the phone and screamed so loud my kid's came running upstairs to see what was wrong with me. I thought I was going to collapse at the visitation when I walked up to her casket with Wilma, Shirley & Sharon. The shock was just too much for me to handle. The pain is still so raw even now. I couldn't have loved Aunt Norma anymore had she been my very own Mother. Like Wilma has said more then once, her mom & I were two peas in a pod and my life hasn't been and NEVER will be the same again. Losing Aunt Norma was the worse pain I've ever felt except for when we lost my nephew Rusty and I lost my mom's sister [My aunt Marian Shaner] when she and her little 10 year old Granddaughter Sadie were killed in a car crash by drunk driver's right before Aunt Norma died. Losing Grandma & Uncle Don was very hard on me too! I don't take losing loved one's very well. Probably because of losing my parents when I was so young. Aunt Norma & Grandma are the one's who took me to the funeral home to view my mom. Aunt Norma told me that she remembered when my mom died that it was so sad because Bobby was running around crying and nobody knew what to do for him. It was quite a shock that my first funeral that I attended was my mom's. I didn't even really understand death yet and when dad explained to me that when he took me & Bobby to the funeral home that mom wouldn't be able to talk to us. I remember thinking that just couldn't be true! She looked so beautiful and peaceful when I saw her. I couldn't go anywhere near dad's casket after his service when everybody vuewed his body. My Aunt Bonnie asked me if I wanted too and I said "NO", so we left and went back to Burlington and Bobby stayed home because he couldn't deal with it at all. There have been wonderful people to me through out my life that have been there for me and Aunt Norma, Grandma Phillips, Lucille & Aaron Luttrell, and my mom's sister Bonnie are the main one's that did the best they could to show me love. Aunt Norma loved all of her fiber optic stuff that I got for her too. She & Uncle Don enjoyed watching old santa sing, talk, & dance! Aunt Norma would tell her Grand kid's to go turn Santa back on! Ha!Ha! I got those santa's for both Aunt Norma & Uncle Don and for Grandma Phillips and old santa was quite a hit I must say! Ha!Ha! Words CAN'T begin to describe the love that I felt for Aunt Norma! She was the kindest, most gentle, loving, giving, caring, hospitable person I ever knew. Her death was a HUGE loss for all who knew and loved her! I'LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU & UNCLE DON..."AUNT NORMA"! XOXO