MARGE 22nd October 2007

The last time that Shirley & I saw Aunt Norma she told Shirley that she was getting close to her too and wanted Shirley & I to go spend the night with her sometime and of course we never did get the chance too. Aunt Norma loved it when I'd bring Shirley, Sharon & little Jason with me when I'd go there to visit. Little Jason told Kristen & Megan at school that he went to Aunt Norma's house Saturday and that just tickled Aunt Norma. After Aunt Norma passed away Jason still said he wanted to go to Aunt Norma's house. He pretends to call all of us on his little play phones and Shirley makes out a list for him and he sometimes says, "Hello...Aunt Norma"! The day of her funeral he said he wanted to go see Aunt Norma bless his heart. He knows that Rusty, Grandma Phillips & Aunt Norma are all in heaven together. He didn't know Aunt Rosie, but all of us kid's are very sad that she passed away. Aunt Rose was my mom's best friend. Shirley & I went to visit Aunt Rose not long before she died. We had such a nice visit with her. She was very emotional because of being let go at the VFW where she worked for many years. We talked about Grandma etc. She was going over to Brenda's to watch a good movie so we didn't stay very long because we didn't want to ruin her plans to spend time with Brenda and her kid's. She gave us the grand tour of her house. She was obviously very proud of her home. Grandma used to say that Rose & I were 2 of the best house keeper's she ever knew! Ha!Ha! Grandma always knew she could count on Rose to check in on her almost everyday before she went to work. Aunt Norma told me that she really appreciated everything that I did for Grandma. She said she couldn't be there with her like she would have liked to be because of hers & Don's health issue's etc., but she knew that Grandma was in good hands when she was with me. I have Hummingbirds that come to my picture window all the time and I don't even have a Hummingbird feeder like Aunt Norma did. She always wanted to come to my house to see all of my Precious Moments collection and was always asking me when was I going to get my new roof put on my house so no doubt she's checking in on me! Ha!Ha! I took a Precious Moments catalog over to Aunt Norma's one day and she loved looking at all the Precious Moments! She acted like a little kid in a candy store or staying up all night hoping to see santa claus! Ha!Ha! I definitely had her hooked big time on "PRECIOUS MOMENTS"!